Woods Foods LLC

 Woods Foods LLC contact information is shown below
Owner Address:13655 N State Hwy 5 Sunrise Beach MO 65079
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byWoods Foods LLC




Crème brulee; Custard; Tarts;Cooked fruits; deviled eggs; guacamole; omelets; peeled garlic; processed peaches; processed fruits; soups; fruit purees; fruit salads; vegetable puree;Alcoholic cocktail mixes;Delicatessen services; Restaurant and café services; Restaurant services, namely, providing of food and beverages for consumption on and off the premises; Fast casual restaurants; Self service restaurants; Take-out restaurant services;Fresh fruit and vegetables;

Category: CR ME BRULEE



Brownies; Cakes; Cheesecakes; Cookies; Corn cakes containing combinations of meat, cheese, beans and/or vegetables; Dessert puddings; Macaroni salad; Macaroni with cheese; Pizza dough; Processed quinoa; Salsa; Sandwiches; Tomato sauce; Chocolate cakes;Beef; Cheese; Chicken; Chicken stock; Chicken salad; Coleslaw; Cooked vegetables; Cut vegetables; Meatballs; Pork; Potato salad; Prepared food kits composed of meat, poultry, fish, seafood, and/or vegetables and also including sauces or seasonings, ready for cooking and assembly as a meal; Prepared meat; Processed beets; Processed vegetables; Ribs; Salads, namely, chef salads, and chicken caesar salads; Turkey; Caesar salad; Prepared beef; Roast beef; Vegetable salads;

Category: BROWNIES