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Platform as a services (PAAS) for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, bookmarking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information in the fields of sports team recruitment, training, coaching and managing; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of newsletters, research reports, articles and white papers on topics of sports interest, all in the fields of sports team recruiting, training, coaching and managing; computer software development tools for sports and social networking; computer software that provides web-based access to applications and services through a web-operating system or portal interface;Computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, bookmarking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information in the fields of sports and social networking, team recruitment, training, coaching, managing, sponsoring, advertising and general community engagement; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of newsletters, research reports, articles and white papers on topics of sports interest, all in the fields of sports and social networking, recruiting, training, coaching, managing, sponsoring, advertising and general community engagement; computer software development tools for sports and social networking; computer software that provides web-based access to applications and services through a web-operating system or portal interface;SPORT GO;Platform as a services (PAAS) for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, bookmarking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information in the fields of sports sponsorship, advertising and general community engagement; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of newsletters, research reports, articles and white papers on topics of sports interest, all in the fields of sports sponsorship, advertising and general community engagement; computer software that provides web-based access to applications and services through a web-operating system or portal interface;Platform as a services (PAAS) for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, bookmarking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information in the fields of sports social networking and general community engagement; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of newsletters, research reports, articles and white papers on topics of sports interest, all in the fields of sports social networking and general community engagement; computer software development tools for sports and social networking; computer software that provides web-based access to applications and services through a web-operating system or portal interface;