Brand Owner Address Description
XYLEM Melyx, Inc. 18715 Route 84 N. Cordova IL 61242 [ Stones; ] pavers; [ landscaping timbers; ] rock; non-metal retaining walls [ ; wood garden edging; and concrete bird baths ];Manure; mushroom compost; [ potting soil; ] potting mixes, namely, potting mixes composed of sphagnum peat moss, reed-sedge peat or spent mushroom compost, composted pine bark, and perlite;mulch; wood chips for use as ground cover; [ landscaping materials, namely, straw and bark chips; ] soil products, namely, top soil, sphagnum moss, peat moss, and reed-sedge peat;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A height adjustable paving stone screed for use in an area bounded by a course of paving stones includes an elongated board. A pair of right angle brackets are mounted on top of the board. Slidably attachable to each right angle brackets include a pair of further right angle brackets, each adjustable vertically with respect to the first right angle bracket. The bottom of each angled bracket is flush with the top the paving stones. Likewise, the bottom surface of the board is even with bottom surfaces of the paving stones, whereby sliding movement of the board establishes a flat plane of bedding material bed at a depth equal to that of the course of paving stones, in the area to support paving stones to fill the area. Sliding movement of the board occurs, establishing a flat plane of to flatten the bedding material for the paving stones.