Brand Owner Address Description
FAB LIBS LuluShop, Inc. 2677 Larkin Street Suite 701 San Francisco CA 94109 query for online style advice;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A method and system for exchanging online data information messages between at least two computer terminal nodes through data communication networks. Each data information message includes a definition of an online information data structure, a query syntax, a data query, a definition of data information navigation techniques such as sorting, filtering, On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) operations and data-mining or data-warehousing techniques, and a definition of information representation methods such as graph, a map, a summary table or a data records table. The information messages can be browsed and navigated through online data results and their graphical representation based on said information message definition, wherein the data is retrieved from at least one common database.