Brand Owner Address Description
PINPOINT NT-MDT Service & Logistics Ltd. NT-MDT HOUSE, Ireland Precision instrument, namely, scanning probe microscopes that allow a user to perform scans of precise areas within the optical field of vision;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention provides a way to measure the position of an instrument that is mounted on an instrument shaft within a clutched mounting system, the instrument shaft being driven through a reduction gearbox by a motor shaft. The position of the instrument is measured as a function of the position of the motor shaft and the position of the instrument shaft, the measurement of the position of the motor shaft providing greater precision than the position of the instrument shaft. Because the mounting system is clutched, it is necessary to check at intervals whether the measurement of the motor shaft position no longer accurately represents the position of the instrument, in which case the measurement of the motor shaft position is resynchronized to the measurement of the instrument shaft.