Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CRUNCH-STER NOVEL PRODUCTS, INC. 3266 Yale Bridge Road P.O. Box 408 Rockton IL 610720408 equipment for standardized testing of the physical fitness of a person's abdomen directed to physical therapists and the like;
INSTRUMENT ASSISTED SOFT TISSUE MANIPULATION (IASTM) Christopher D. Gellert, PT 236 Cranview Road Brewster MA 02631 The trademark will be used as part of our continuing education training for physical therapists, physical therapy assistants and allied professionals in the form of a home study course, a one and a two-day live seminars on IASTM;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Provided is a method and apparatus for registering requests to access physical memory in a physical address mapping framework. Specifically, a device can register in the physical address mapping framework before accessing physical memory, thus permitting an operating system to identify the device when it is necessary to relocate pages in physical memory. The physical address mapping framework can be any structure that permits registration. For example, the structure can be a list or a tree. When relocating physical memory, all accesses registered in the physical address mapping framework are restricted. Then, the device is notified to stop accessing physical memory via information stored in the physical address mapping framework. After the relocation, the device is notified to resume accessing physical memory via information stored in the physical address mapping framework.