Brand Owner Address Description
TRIMLINE TRIMBLE NAVIGATION LIMITED 935 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale CA 94085 global positioning system navigators, navigation receivers, communication transceivers, radar altimeters, audio panels for voice transmission, position locators comprised primarily of computer hardware and software, transponders;TRIM LINE;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A group global positioning system includes a plurality of positioning signal processing devices with a global positioning function and a plurality of radio signal processing devices corresponding to the positioning signal processing devices. With one of the corresponding radio signal processing devices, one of the positioning signal processing devices outputs analog global positioning information to the remaining ones of the positioning signal processing devices which then performs analog-to-digital conversion on the analog global positioning information and recovers digital global positioning information, thus allowing the remaining ones of the positioning signal processing devices to execute the global positioning function and display related information. The present invention discloses a grouping technique for simultaneously displaying on the positioning signal processing devices the digital global positioning information thereof.