Brand Owner Address Description
GHOST-ROBOT VARGAS, DAVID 3227 Erva St., 204 Las Vegas NV 59117 Crew neck shirts; V-neck shirts; Hats; Beanies; Long sleeved shirts; Jackets; Hooded sweatshirts;Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A method of controlling a train for a crew change and includes collecting information on the train including weight and length of the train, special weight distribution, number and location of cars with cut-out or inoperative brakes, status of dynamic brakes on all locomotives, if brake test is required, and prior train brake problems. The information is stored as a report and displayed at a crew change. The train is disabled until the crew has accepted the report.