Top garment hanger with reusable snap-on pads

Patent Number: 9386873

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

A combination of a top garment hanger and a reusable snap-on pad is provided. The hanger has a lateral opening formed through the body of the hanger. The lateral opening has an inwardly extending surface for providing a first locking surface. The reusable snap-on pad has a pair of legs and a locking tab provided on an inner surface of each leg. The locking tab has a second locking surface. When the reusable snap-on pad is mounted to the garment hanger, the locking tab enters the lateral opening and the first locking surface and the second locking surface engage each other, to provide a secure fixation of the reusable snap-on pad to the garment hanger. Also, when the reusable snap-on pad is mounted to the garment hanger, a slot is formed between the pad and the hanger for receiving a portion of a garment.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Stanley F. Gouldson - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 47 G 25 30
A 47 G 25 48
A 47 F 7 19


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
BRAIFORM (HK) LTD. - - - - -