Sellerbid, Inc

 Sellerbid, Inc contact information is shown below
Owner Address:1600 S. Joyce St. Arlington VA 22202
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned bySellerbid, Inc




Arranging and conduction of auction sales; Business management assistance and particularly carrying out tasks necessary for the smooth conduct of sales by auction; Carrying out auction sales; Contests and incentive award programs to promote the sale of products and services of others; Electronic commerce services, namely, providing information about products via telecommunication networks for advertising and sales purposes; Incentive award programs to promote the sale of products and services of others; Independent sales representatives in the field of tourism products; Promoting the sale of goods and services of others by awarding purchase points for credit card use; Providing a web site at which users can offer goods for sale and buy goods offered by others; Providing a web site that features an on-line market for users to list offered or wanted personal and business assets and skills for hire, rent, sale or auction transacted on the basis of predefined performance and closing terms and conditions; Providing a web site whereby buyers of goods or services locate and receive quotations from multiple competitive sources and sellers of goods or services identify and bid on multiple new sales opportunities; Provision of information concerning commercial sales; Publicity and sales promotion relating to goods and services, offered and ordered by telecommunication or the electronic way; Publicity and sales promotion services; Sales promotion; Sales promotion for third parties; Sales promotion services; Sales promotion services for third parties; The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods and services, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods and services from an Internet web site particularly specializing in the marketing of the sale of goods and services of others;