Locdatum Inc

 Locdatum Inc contact information is shown below
Owner Address:2108-13353 Commerce Parkway Richmond, British Columbia V6V 2X7 Canada
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byLocdatum Inc




Document data transfer and physical conversion from one media form to another media;Computer hardware and computer peripherals, namely, computer memories, read only memory devices and random access memory devices used to store data, memory cards, microchips, microprocessors, data storage devices, devices that read and write electronic data, computer printers, data conversion devices, computer chips, communications servers; media for storing data, namely, blank and pre-recorded holographic plates, holographic substrates, holographic layers, holographic disks; optical components for storing and retrieving data, namely optical filters, optical mirrors, optical scanners, optical lenses, lasers, photopolymer films and substrates, optical waveguides; electronic components for storing and retrieving data, namely circuit boards containing active and passive components, optoelectronic detectors, charge-coupled device detectors and integrated circuits; computer interface boards; computer software to automate data warehousing, data compression software; computer hardware and software for converting electronic data from one format to another format so that it can be stored and retrieved;Electronic storage of data; data archiving and retrieval services;Electronic data interchange (EDI) services; electronic transmission of data and documents via computer terminals; electronic transmission of facsimile communications and data featuring encryption and decryption; electronic transmission of messages and data;Retail services featuring data storage devices and computer peripheral devices; wholesale distributorships featuring data storage devices and computer peripheral devices; distributorships in the field of data storage devices and computer peripheral devices;Computer consultation services in the field of computer peripherals, data storage devices and data storage solutions; computer code conversion for others; data conversion of computer program data or information; product development for others in the field of computer peripherals and data storage devices;