Kun, Li

 Kun, Li contact information is shown below
Owner:KUN, LI
Owner Address:Rm 6A , 2th Sang Tai Dan Hua Xili Town, Nanshan District Shenzhen 518000 China
Owner Web Site
Owner Phone
Owner Toll Free
Owner Fax


Brands Owned byKun, Li




Cabinets for loudspeakers; Calculators; Camcorders; Chargers for electric batteries; Chronographs for use as specialized time recording apparatuses; Computer gaming software for recreational game playing purposes; Computer monitors; Computer software for computer system and application development, deployment and management; Computers; Electronic card readers; Electronic monitors and monitor modules for monitoring electric current and electrical signals; Electronic sound mixing, processing and synthesizing apparatus; Eyeglasses; Headphones; Mobile phones; Mouse pads; Navigation apparatus for vehicles; Notebook computers; Odometers; Photocopiers; Spectacle cases; Tape recorders; Telephones; Telescopes; Televisions; Webcams;