Brand Owner Address Description
MITXOLETA URRETABIZKAIA INCHAUSTI, JOSEBA Azkoitia Plaza, z/g E-20400 TOLOSA (Gipuzkoa) Spain Ornamented metal plaques for decorating walls, ceilings and floors;Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.;The English translation of the foreign word(s) in the mark is: POPPY.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A method to treat conditions characterized by formation of amyloid plaques both prophylactically and therapeutically is described. The method employs humanized antibodies which sequester soluble A? peptide from human biological fluids or which preferably specifically bind an epitope contained within position 13-28 of the amyloid beta peptide A?.