Brand Owner Address Description
REACHING BACK Linda Scott Waters P. O. Box 710352 Houston TX 772710352 Ethnic novel about a Black family saga along with an ethnic clothing line with ethnic accessories that depicts the African American heritage; The title of a novel, REACHING BACK, where the heroine in the book goes back home to her family to incorporate her family members into her life, (A family saga) where the heroine in the book, REACHING BACK, creates a clothing line called REACHING BACK, that features ethnic clothing and ethnic items stemming from her African American heritage The words REACHING BACK is the symbolism throughout this novel in that it means the character reaches back to her family, reaches back to her past, and reaches back to her heritage Ethnic novel about a Black family saga along with an ethnic clothing line with ethnic accessories that depicts the African American heritage;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A new and distinct primocane-fruiting (autumn-bearing) cultivar of black raspberry, Rubus occidentalis, named 'Explorer.' The 'Explorer' black raspberry was created as an F2 generation seedling of a controlled cross between two unnamed black raspberry plants collected from uncultivated areas. 'Explorer' black raspberry is capable of providing a reliable and productive crop of large black raspberries on primocanes in late summer and early autumn when there are no fresh black raspberries available from other cultivars of black raspberry. The canes of 'Explorer' black raspberry also exhibit fewer thorns than canes of a typical black raspberry plant.