Method and apparatus for monitoring sleep apnea severity

Patent Number: 9386951

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

Disclosed embodiments include a method and an apparatus for monitoring sleep apnea severity that comprise: (a) analyzing an oxygen saturation signal to extract a plurality of time-domain and frequency-domain metrics; (b) calculating an oxygen saturation-based Apnea Hyponea Index (AHI) by employing a predetermined functional mapping between said metrics and polysomnography (PSG)-based AHI; and (c) displaying an oxygen saturation-based AHI to enable a specialist to monitor sleep apnea severity without requiring PSG. According to a particular embodiment, the oxygen saturation signal is nocturnal oxygen saturation and the functional mapping is a multilinear regression model (MLR) or a multilayer perceptron network (MLP).


First Name Last Name City State Country
Roberto Hornero Sánchez - - -
José Victor Martín - - -
Daniel Álvarez González - - -
Pedro Mateo Aboy - - -
Félix Campo Matías - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 61 B 5 1455
A 61 B 5 00


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
Universidad de Valladolid - - - - -