Chewing gum with tomatidine

Patent Number: 9387168

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

A chewing gum with a liquid-fill composition and a surrounding gum region, with one or both containing active ingredients, such as herbal, medicinal and/or mineral elements or combinations thereof, present in an amount of at least about 0.05 mg.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Jack Barreca - - -
Joseph E. Kovarik - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 61 Q 11 00
A 61 K 9 68
A 23 G 4 12
A 23 G 3 36
A 23 G 3 48
A 23 G 3 54
A 23 G 4 06
A 23 G 4 20
A 61 K 36 258
A 61 K 36 82